Thursday, June 22, 2006

Weigh-In Thursday

Down another 2.8--and just a hair over a total of 35 lbs.


I keep waiting for this not to work, for the numbers to go up. I'm not sure why I think that way. Lord knows I'm eating better, moving more and have days where I'd rather be eating a chocolate bar than fruit for a snack...

Yet, I keep seeing success at the scale. Sweet victory!

I have yet to figure out a good reward for milestones that aren't food related! LOL. I passed my 10% last week and didn't do anything for that. I have approx 14.9 pounds until I hit 50 lobs, so I think maybe I'll wait until then.

But, a baby back rib dinner sounds pretty damn good, too.

Some things never change, I guess.


green grass gal said...

"I have yet to figure out a good reward for milestones that aren't food related!" <----do me a favor, hon... when you figure that one out, TELL ME! LOL I have the same issue. ;)

green grass gal said...

Oh yeah... and I've already said it, but I can't say it enough...

Congrats on the awesome WI, and keep up the hard work! It is really paying off, and I am soooo freakin' proud of you!!!! :) You are a true inspiration.