Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A picture is worth...

Believing is not always in the seeing. I hate getting my picture taken and the bigger I got, the more I hid.

I know I can't run and hide any more.

So, in order to stay accountable and because I'm all about honesty, you will find progress pictures posted on the sidebar. I plan on updating them once a month: for better, for worse--well, you get the idea.

I haven't noticed much of a difference in the pictures currently posted, which documents about 9 weeks on plan. But, with such a long way to go, it's going to take a while to see the outward changes.

I also will need to get rid of the mental image of being a fat person. I suppose that is one of the good things about this goal taking a long time. It's going to take that long to change the way I see myself.

Go check out the pictures at your leisure. New ones will be posted the last Thursday of each month.

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