Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Nitty Gritty

What's my story? I'm morbidly obese. There's nothing like cutting through all the crap and getting down to basic facts. I was a skinny kid and a curvy (but healthy) teen. College started the upward climb and once I had kids, that was it...It's not an excuse: my kids didn't make me fat. I did.

When I started this journey almost 10 weeks ago, I weighed 320.5 lbs.

It's taken me over 8 years to figure out what I needed to do to change that fact. No, I've always known what I needed to do, but I just didn't have the courage to face facts about what I had become. Finally, I realized a few things:

I don't want to die young.

I want to feel healthy and take care of myself. I'm setting an example for two beautiful girls, after all.

I want to enjoy my husband and my kids.

But, most of all, I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see. Sound shallow? Ok, it might be, but I'm tired of letting my self-esteem being dictated by the reflection looking back at me.

I've tried before to do this and have had various amounts of success. However, after only a few weeks, I'd decide that the road was to long to travel and say, "Why Bother?"

Why bother? Because I'm worth it. And, it's my time now...

It hasn't been easy. I'm sure I'll fall on my face plenty of times. And you'll all be there to see it.

It will be a learning experience, for sure. I'll share whatever I learn with you, and maybe you can share your wisdom with me.

Enjoy the ride!

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