Thursday, August 31, 2006

50 lbs gone!

After a couple of weeks of dancing around the on the scale (you'd think I'd earn some APs for that, huh?) I finally earned my 50lb star! Actually, it's 50.4

Yeah, it feels amazing and I've earned every ounce of that loss--wait does that sound like a conradiction??

I'm starting to get a lot of comments on how good I look, "you've lost weight". I'm getting more comfortable with simply saying, "Thank you."

Ironically, for the first time in ages today, I had the nibblies. So, I let myself eat a little more often than usual today--and I counted every point. Only into my fresh FPs by 8...not bad at all. And, it felt good to snack and still feel in control.

Oh, that and I ordered grilled chicken and GREEN BEANS for lunch out with a friend?

What have I become??!! LOL

I don't know what I've become, except that there's a lot less of it now than before!

On to my 75lb star!

1 comment:

Robin said...

WOO-HOOO!!! Way to go Marie! Congrats to you! I know how hard you are working, and you should be proud of yourself!!!
