Thursday, August 24, 2006

3 big steps forward, 1 small step back

After an almost 2 week vacation, I can claim the major scale and non-scale victories of actually losing weight while away! I managed to lose over 5 lbs in the 10 days I was gone. I had a plan, stuck with it (mostly) and didn't feel deprived or frustrated.

However, I guess my body needed some adjustment--I was up a pound this AM at WI.

Yeah, I'm a little bummed. I wanted that 50lb star a lot today! But, it will come. I've already hit some major milestones since this journey started:

5 lbs 4/6/2006
10 lbs 4/20/2006
25 lbs 5/25/2006
30 lbs 6/8/2006
1st 10% 6/15/2006
40 lbs 7/20/2006
50 lbs TBA
2nd 10% TBA
75 lbs TBA
3rd 10% TBA
100 lbs TBA

Looking at the journey this way, I can see that I've hit a major mileston for every month I've been OP. That's a lot of success along the way. I won't hit a milestone in August, but September looks to be a great month! I'll be saying so long to 50lbs, plus will be getting out of the 270s forever!

This helps me keep perspective on days like this, when I'm a little bummed and/or frustrated at the scale.

For every "stumble", I've walked a mile.

I will not look behind me. The view ahead is too exciting to miss!

1 comment:

green grass gal said...

I am so proud of you not only for all of the accomplishments you have listed in this post, but also for the many that weren't listed.

I am proud of you for every time you encountered stress and didn't reach for food.

I am proud of you for every time you had a plate full of yummy food in front of you and you maintained control and didn't overeat.

I am proud of you for every time doubt crept in and your goals seemed so far away and you still plunged forward, believing in yourself.

I am proud of you for all of the wonderful ways that you have changed in your behaviors and thought patterns.

You are in control. You are on the right track. You are strong. You are an inspiration.

Feel proud, Marie. You are awesome, and there is no stopping you, lady!
