Sunday, January 28, 2007

My personal challenge...

Getting into the next decade in my weight loss felt like it literally took ten years, but I've finally made it into the 240's.

This was my first time getting through the holidays while on my WLJ. Overall, it was a success. I didn't gain any weight (except for bouncing around with the same 2 lbs for a couple of weeks). The final total loss from Thanksgiving to New Year's was 5 lbs. Not fabulous, but considering that in years past I probably packed on that and maybe more, that's a big success.

January's been off to a better start, but I'm still not as focused as I was a few months ago. There's been so much going on in my life right now, and while most of it is good, there are lots of things to think about and do. We're waiting to hear about a possible move back to Ohio, which is exciting, but scary, too. My work has been almost non-stop, but there's now a possibility that my best/favorite job may stop. I'm praying it doesn't.

My youngest daughter is having issues in Pre-K, but those are getting under control.

I'm running my kids around to all their activities, trying to get the house ready to possibly sell, working and just the "normal stuff" that goes on in a family.

Yeah, crazy.

But, somehow, I've managed to not totally throw myself off the wagon. I haven't had a major binge in forever (oh, a few meals have been less than stellar, i.e. my McD's trip yesterday). But, I've never tossed it all and said, "Screw it".

I'm getting closer to my next 10% and that is inspiring to me. However, I've set one major goal for my WLJ in 2007:

52.2 lbs in 52 weeks

Ok, well that technically started the last week of December. If I meet that goal (and so far, my average weekly loss is on track), I will be in ONEDERLAND by New Year's Eve.


That's something to remember when I want to stuff my face.

Oh, there's new pics in my photo album. I don't see a big difference since the last group, but Jon says I'm crazy.

Tell me something I don't know, babe.

Until next week!

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