Thursday, October 05, 2006

Pushing 60

What woman in her right mind would gleefully admit that she's pushing 60?


And I look damn good for pushing 60.

I've lost 59.3 lbs and am oh so close to another group of milestones:

1. 60 lbs lost
2. 2nd 10% (259.3)
3. Out of 260's forever!!

This past week has been one of facing some facts and getting refocused and energized for this journey. I've discovered that I can't do this on autopilot. You'd think I'd have learned that after getting to over 320 lbs that I just can't do this absentmindedly. I'm a slow learner, I suppose. During my brief "brainspace" I didn't do any damage--thank God! But, I also discovered that attitude is everything, or at least a lot of it.

In order to succeed on this journey I need to continue to be an ACTIVE participant. The pounds won't go away by wishing or hoping or praying (although they do help a little, especially on those dreaded WI days LOL.

Also, I feel much better when I'm in control and actively working my plan. So, even on days where I'm struggling emotionally, and I have those kind of days often enough...I can deal with what I'm feeling without the crutch of food.

Yeah, life at 60 is gonna be good. But, since we all know about my patience level, I gotta say that I'm sure 70 will be even better!


green grass gal said...

LOL I loved this post! I gleefully send you tons of cyber hugs ((((HUGS)))) and applaud your WL efforts. You are doing great, and I hope you don't get to used to enjoying life at 60, b/c 70 is gonna be here before ya know it! ;) I'm so proud of you, hon! Keep up the awesome work!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO Marie!!!!!! Outstanding work, and I DO mean work! I'm proud of ya hon!!
