Friday, July 14, 2006

Little things mean a lot

The past 8 days have required me to stop and try to remember why I'm doing this and that this is something that will take a long time to accomplish. It's been 15 weeks since I started this journey. Each day, each week has presented various challenges and I've met all of them head on and overcome whatever has stood in my way. You'd think after being at this for a while, that little potholes in the road wouldn't faze me. Weeks like this one give me the harsh reminder that I am not Wonder Woman and that I am, indeed, still sensitive about various aspects of this weight loss journey.

In my case, it seems that the big obstacles are easier for me to deal with than the smaller things that life throws my way. I let the little things nag and eat away at me until I feel like I'm going to scream or what to shove twinkies down my throat.

You'll be happy to know that I've kept away from the Twinkie cream filling's evil temptation song...

A combination of various, ordinary thing have been building up into this mish mosh of crap that is bringing me down and has taken my positive outlook with it. Long hours at work for DH, trying to keep two girls entertained and not killing each other for the summer, taking a trip home that has been less enjoyable than I really needed it to be at this point and getting ready for another long trip that is bound to be a challenge has just worn on me. I'm lost in a sea of minutiae and am bogged down.

I had my first maintain on the scale this past Thursday and that seems to reflect the theme of where I'm at right now--stuck.

In spite of getting caught up in the muck of all of this stuff, I am discovering that keeping my eye on the little victories means a lot, too. For instance:

Even though I maintained this week, I did it while away "on vacation" (sort of) at my parents' house. The more I think on that, the more I realize this is a significant victory.

As of today, I have been OP for 83 consecutive days...and since I started on March 29, I've only gone off plan once (April 17th, to be exact)!!!

I'm learning more about how my eating habits have changed and am recognizing old habits sooner, keeping any slip ups minor.

I'm getting more activity in than I ever have before.

Hm, I guess those are the life changes I keep professing are the most important parts of my weight loss journey. It is all of these little changes that are going to lead to the big changes in my health and appearance that I so desperately want and need.

1 comment:

green grass gal said...

Marie, I am so proud of you. Proud of all of the hard work you are putting into this weightloss journey. Proud of all you have achieved (and continue to achieve.) Proud of the inspiration you have given me and countless others. Proud of how well you have done while visiting your Mom. But most of all, I am proud of how you are reacting to your WI on Thurs. While the WI may have brought about certain feelings, your mindset has not wavered in the least. You are stronger than ever! (though it may not feel that way at times) Mark my words, in the future weeks/months you will reflect on this past week, and your very first WI where you stayed the same. (which is *awesome!*, considering how long you have been working the program!) When you look back upon it you will marvel at how strong you were. How well you handled the inevitable, and at a very difficult time in your life. A time where it would have been so easy for you to give in to temptation... But you remained stronger than ever! The scale may not reflect your victory this week, but you are a big winner this week! You are still OP, still working hard, and still living a healthier lifestyle. You can't lose with all of that going for you! :) I think you just scored a major victory over that all-or-nothing mentality too, hon. So, I am applauding your *FANTASTIC* week! You are winning this battle, you are doing GREAT! Keep up the terrific work, Marie. You are worth it!

love and hugs,