Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I am beautiful...

Ok, so my family and I went to visit DH's family and some of our friends from Ohio this past August. It was a good trip and we all had a good time. When I was there, I was already down...oh, just under 50 lbs by then since March. I felt good and thought I looked pretty good.

Other than a few of my friends, no one in Jon's family really said anything. I figured, well, I have a long way to go, so yeah, no big deal.

Fast forward to this weekend. Jon and I arrive in Ohio again for a family funeral and I have heard so much gushing about how great I look, how beautiful I look.

At first, I thought, I haven't lost that much since August. (Ok, it's close to 20 more pounds...)

But, when I looked at pictures from the wedding, I was like, Oh MY GOD! I look totally different than I did in August.

I accepted all the compliments with grace and a smile and a big thank you.

And, I felt really good.

I still have a long way to go--and the past few weeks have had me fighting with the same 3 to 5 pounds, but I'm still going in the right direction.

The entire weekend I kept track, made good choices: except for last night, which was Jon's and I last night here and a rare quiet meal between the two of us. I didn't go crazy, but ate more than I usually do. I felt it last night, but am much better today.

I felt bad, at first, for not keeping closer track or not just ordering a salad. But, what I've come away with this weekend is this: this is my life, one meal does not make a big difference. It may on the scale for Thursday (and, yeah, I'll be pissed, I'm sure, when I see a gain). But, two weeks from now, the damage of that meal will be long gone.

Maybe I am letting go--a little--to that all or nothing mentality. :)